Get Your Will Handled in Caversham

by | Jun 30, 2023 | Business

Wills are usually written to give you peace of mind and yet, for many people, it’s a daunting task that they put off for as long as possible. If you’re living in Caversham and avoid thinking about wills, it’s a good idea to consult a solicitor who can lead you through the process step-by-step. That way you can relax and be completely at ease with drawing up your will.

Realistically, death is inevitable – it’s just that it happens occasionally to younger people without warning. Should the worst happen, at least a will gives you the security of knowing that your family and loved ones will be taken care of. It is doubtful that anyone who has died unexpectedly and intestate would have wished the family’s financial uncertainty that often ensues. It’s not a very complicated or time-consuming process to complete a will, so it’s something that you should put on your list and make certain it’s done.

The purpose of a will

In Caversham and in the rest of the country, wills determine how your money, property and possessions will be allocated. There are, of course, legal requirements to ensure that your will is valid, but this is something that your attorney will be able to assist you with. As an unmarried partner is not eligible to inherit unless a will is in place, this is your opportunity to ensure that a partner is financially protected. A will is also an essential document to provide for your children or other dependants. Further, an executor needs to be named and you may even want to stipulate your burial procedures.

Inheritance tax will also need to be paid, but the presence of a will means a lesser tax – if a person dies without a will, the inheritance tax is usually higher. A will is not a document that is set in stone. Over the course of your life, you may wish to make several alterations, For example, if a new grandchild is born or if a beneficiary dies before you, this would be the time to update your will. You can click here to get more details.

Getting assistance with probate

If your will is lodged with a firm of lawyers, this makes it easier to handle probate and the administration that is required to carry out the requirements of the will. Those attorneys who offer a probate service will be able to guide your beneficiaries through the process. For any deceased person, their affairs need to be properly closed off, with any unpaid bills or outstanding debts resolved before any money or property can be distributed.

Death is an emotional time, and yet there are legal requirements that need to be complied with, making it that much easier when you have professional help on your side. In a similar vein, if you discover that you have been named executor in someone else’s will, it is also possible for you to seek legal advice and help. Legal assistance is also available for the next of kin when someone dies intestate.

Given the problems that ensue when an individual dies intestate, it is always advisable to check into wills in Caversham. Harrison’s Solicitors will be able to offer you both advice and expertise.

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